Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sing-a-Long Nights

When I came to college, I was really worried about revealing to people how much I loved Disney. Fortunately, my roommate is also a Disney fanatic so I never had to worry about her judging me. On multiple occasions, we will be listening to music through the speaker system in our room and all of a sudden we will both have a craving to sing classic Disney songs, so I'll put on my Disney playlist and we will sing harmonies to our favorite songs from movies such as The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Hercules.
One day, as we were jamming out to "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Hercules, a few girls from our hall came to our room to see what all of the noise was. After they realized what song we were singing, they all joined in and we had a hall-wide sing-a-long to various Disney tracks. In fact, Erin (my roommate) and I watched Hercules and The Little Mermaid with some of our friends in one of Randolph's study rooms the other night. They were slightly concerned by my ability to quote almost every word of both movies, and they were also very entertained by Erin's and my vocal accompaniments to every single song.
Thanks to nights like those, I no longer feel embarrassed by my love of Disney. Growing up in the nineties, the majority of the Class of 2017 grew up with these movies and they will always remind them of their childhoods. Although college is a time to mature and find more serious interests, I have also noticed that people love having "throwback nights" where they do or watch things that remind them of their childhoods. Disney movies happen to be a crowd favorite in my hall, and I cannot wait to have more Disney sing-a-long nights with my friends.

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